Flower Essence Therapy
What is Flower Essence Therapy & how does it work?
Flower essence therapy is a form of vibrational medicine, which works predominantly on a mental and emotional level, though may also influence healing on a physical level.
The theory behind the healing nature of flower essence therapy suggests that the specific vibration (frequency) at which each species of flower resonates, relates to a particular type of human mental/emotional imbalance.
Flower essences work to bring subconscious emotions, behaviour patterns and thought processes to the recipient’s conscious awareness. This then provides the opportunity to acknowledge, release and make changes, where one may wish to do so.
Flower essences assist in restoring harmony where there is an energetic imbalance present which may be causing the individual mental/emotional distress. A few examples of this may include – anxiety, chronic worrying, feelings of overwhelm, anger, frustration, low mood etc.
Whilst using flower essences you may become consciously aware of changes to your thoughts, perceptions and as a result, your behaviour. Such changes may also have a beneficial effect on physical ailments.
Learn more about Flower Essences here: What Are Flower Essences?
How are they administered?
A few drops under the tongue daily (usually 4 drops, 4 times per day). Individuals often report noticeable changes within 72 hours of taking an essence as directed, although for more long-standing issues a consistent daily dose may be required for a longer period of time e.g. one month.
Flower essence therapy is considered entirely safe, they do not interfere with any prescribed medication/nutritional supplements. Please note, flower essences are preserved in an alcohol base (usually brandy or vodka), which preserves the vibrational frequency of the flower. For children or those who dislike or abstain from alcohol, the essences can be diluted in a glass of water and sipped intermittently throughout the day, rather than administering drops directly under the tongue.

E.Dando Holistics uses a variety of high-quality flower essences from a range of suppliers including Bach Remedies, Bailey (Yorkshire) Essences, Australian Bush Flower Essences and Saskia’s Flower Essences.
Flower essence therapy is incorporated into Kinesiology treatments, where it is relevant to the individual being treated. Kinesiology methods can help to pinpoint what emotions may be draining your energy and identify which specific flower essence(s) can support you.
Essences can be administered during a Kinesiology treatment and/or a tailor-made essence combination, specific to the individual's needs, may be recommended for taking home for ongoing treatment.
Experience the powerful, all-natural healing powers of plants with Flower Essence Therapy - use the 'book now' button below to schedule a Kinesiology session tailored to your needs.